About our company

Benifit to Supplier & Vendors:

Purchaser.com.pk is latest B2B digital platfrom in Pakistan aim to support all industrial supplier to provide  thier supplies to all industries located all over Pakistan, Our team having quater century expericne in Supply Chain and speclized to dealing with small compnies to large scal manufucturere plants Likes Toyota, Suzuki, KIA, as well as well knowns FMCS Like PepsiCO Plants, Coke Pakistan, Mureebrewery and gourment as name of few. We will utilize our best experience and will incoporate all necessory arrangment to achive our goal of timely delivery with efficient and ecnomical way.

We insprie by Japanies working practices and would like to impelement Toyota Just in Time Threory in industerial online supply chain management.

Benifit for Industial Customers:

We all knows, trust worthy and effecient purchaser is back bone of industry. We would like to revolve traditional purchasing practices with digital revolution and aim to eleminate trditional purchasing shortcoming and improve supply chain to get maximum benifit of digital advancement and tracebale purchasing process, 

Our team try to set new bench in market with sucestainable industrial supply chain management with win win for both seller and purchasers.

Rest assured we will provide you all requirement through effecient negociations for long term business relation.

We blieve trust is more importent then single deal.

Lest "Togather everyone with trust and benifit"



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